Microsoft has launched its annual conference to unveil its latest Surface laptops by unveiling the Surface Laptop 3, which comes with a full metal chassis and options between the latest Intel 10th generation processors, or AMD Ryzen processors, in a move from the company to further attract the audience towards its devices and provide more Choices for them.
The device comes in two versions with a screen of two different sizes; 15 inches and 13.5 inches, and comes with a touch panel about 20% larger.
Of course, the user will be able to choose between Intel 10th generation processors or competing AMD Ryzen processors, besides, the user will have several options of memory type LPDDR4x up to 32 GB, in addition to the storage capacity of type SSD up to 1TB.
What's new in this generation is the addition of USB C ports that help transfer data and fast charging of connected devices.
In addition, the company has added fast charging to the device, charging from 0 to 80% within an hour of time.
The company also says that the battery on the Surface Laptop 3 can last up to 24 hours of normal use.
Speaking of the price, it will start from $ 999 for a 13.5-inch version, and $ 1,199 for a 15-inch version.
Source: Microsoft