iOS 13.1.1 is now available to download with fixing battery drain, third-part keyboard bug and more

Earlier this week, Apple informed customers that third-party keyboards on iOS 13 could get "full access" and transfer data over the Internet even without user permission, and now the company has released an update to fix it. IOS 13.1.1, in addition to third-party keyboard troubleshooting, now includes improvements for customers who may experience faster than normal battery drain after upgrading to iOS 13.

Version 13.1.1 also solves "issues that can prevent iPhone from recovering from a backup," which further introduces Siri for iPhone 11, 11 Pro and 11 Pro Max, and corrects errors that can cause slow synchronization in reminders.

iOS 13.1.1 is Apple's latest attempt to address the latest software issue. But other problems remain. The worst problem I and the others have faced in The Verge, of course, is that the iPhone on iOS 13 can sometimes drop data, but continues to show the full tape as if everything was fine. This usually happens after I get off the New York subway. Changing airplane mode or cellular data is not enough to fix it; just turn off the phone and restart things again normally.

How to Update to iOS 13.1.1?

  1. Open Settings on your iPhone
  2. Scroll down and go to General>Software Update.
  3. You'll see a message "Checking for Update", Once finished you'll see the Update.
  4. Tap on Download
  5. Done.!
Good luck.