Report reveals banned videos on TikTok app

Report reveals banned videos on TikTok app

The Guardian revealed the policy of TikTok to deal with content posted and prohibitions that result in the blocking or deletion of videos.

In general, TikTok divides content that you do not want to be on the platform into two sections, one that violates its standards and deletes it completely and may lead to user blocking, and the second, which is less dangerous in its opinion, reduces its visibility to users but does not remove it from them.

In general, everything China does not want to exist should not appear on TikTok because it is an application of the Chinese company ByteDance. In addition, the application prohibits certain types of content in certain countries, for example in Turkey everything that speaks of religions other than Islam is subject to deletion, as well as sexual relations are not normal.

The implementation policy also identified 20 political figures that prohibit everything published around it, including presidents Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin, Barack Obama, Kim Jong-un and others.

ByteDance justifies that the prohibitions policy revealed by the Guardian was updated last May, and the current policy does not mention state-level prohibitions or specific issues.

ByteDance generally sees TikTok as a place to post simple and entertaining videos, not a social network, a platform for political debate, or controversial topics.

TikTok currently has 500 million users and has achieved significant growth in the recent period thanks to the intensive advertising on Facebook where some sources revealed that it spent $ 1 billion.


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