50% of iPhone versions are running iOS13

50% of iPhone versions are running iOS13

According to Apple's latest statistics regarding the iPhone operating system, 50% of all iPhone versions are running the latest version of iOS13.

The results came just 26 days after Apple launched the iOS13 version, despite multiple loopholes and had an impact on users.

Apple sent several updates to this version after its public release to solve problems related to battery drain, keyboard and voice assistant Spree.

The arrival of the iOS13 version of this ratio is slower compared to the time that the previous version of the system iOS 12 achieved the same proportion, which took 23 days to reach the rate of 50% of the operating iPhones.

IOS 12 accounted for 41% of all iPhone versions, while the older version was 9%.

Apple explained that 38% of the versions of the iPhone, which has been on the market for 4 years and less are running iOS 12, while 7% of them are running older versions.

In comparison with the iPhone and Android system in this regard we see that Apple excels significantly in this aspect, but taking into account the category restricted Apple supported and limited to its phones and specifications, while Google Android system covers a wide range of smartphones with different specifications and components as well as abundant in Global market.

The proportion of phones running Android 9 about 10.4 of the total phones operating the system, according to statistics last May.

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