Viber Offers a New Way to Display Stories as Text Messages

Viber Offers a New Way to Display Stories as Text Messages

Books, movies, etc. are common ways to share a story about it with the many social apps available to users. What is more common is to tell personal adventures verbally or via text messaging.However, Viber has created a new way of combining the two that allows you to read stories on your phone, which take the form of text messages.

The feature also allows more than 50 story catalogs displayed line by line, as if it were part of a chat or conversation. These catalogs are different, such as what is specialized in science stories or comic stories or travel stories and more.

As here, you can't reply to the group and tap the screen to show messages while reading the story normally.

Instead, there is a bar at the bottom of the screen that lets you know how far you have progressed in the scenario, which is convenient to assess whether you have enough time to finish the story now or resume it later.

Viber Offers a New Way to Display Stories as Text Messages

Finally, Viber noted that its new feature is limited to app users in the US, and will later be made available to all users around the world.

While some are not convinced of the usefulness of this feature, it can be a fun way to spend your free time watching it.

Source: Android Police

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