Google Launches Play Pass, App and Game Subscription Service

Google Launches Play Pass, App and Game Subscription Service

The Google launched on Monday (23), the Play Pass , subscription service that provides access premium to more than 350 games and applications. The unique platform allows the Android user to download completely unlocked, ad-free or in-app purchases. For now, the news is only available in the United States for a monthly fee of $ 4.99 ($ ​​20.81, direct conversion) or $ 1.99 ($ ​​8.30, direct conversion) in the first 12 months.

Unlike Apple Arcade , the game service launched last Thursday , Google's platform is not exclusively focused on games and covers a wider range of applications, such as the AccuWeather weather program and Facetune photo editor. . Like other titles, these apps are not exclusive and are available for free from the Google Play Store . Those who sign up for Play Pass, however, can access them free of ads and with all internal purchases unlocked.

Outperforming Apple's competitor in terms of catalog volume, Play Pass is expected to earn new apps every month. Titles already available in the service's library include games such as Terraria ($ 19.99), Stardew Valley ($ 18.99), and Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic ($ 36.99). Together, these apps cost more than $ 75, so Play Pass monthly fees may be attractive to some gamers.

How to Access PlayPass?

The service is now available to US users. To make apps and games easier to find, Google has added the "Play Pass" tab to the Play Store navigation bar. Just tap on the tab to access the titles included in the service, which can also be found throughout the store, identified by a special symbol.

The Play Pass subscription is integrated with the Google Play Family Library. This allows family account administrators to share their service subscription with up to five other group members. Each person has access to an individualized experience.

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