WhatsApp tests phone number hiding to improve users experience.


During this period, WhatsApp is keen to introduce many updates and new features, in order to attract many new customers to the application, in light of strong and fierce competitions with many instant chat applications in the world, as a beta version of the WhatsApp application for Android began during the past few hours with the number in order to improve the service.

WhatsApp is hiding phone number.

The new experimental feature revolves around the appearance of a phone number on the application, which will prevent some businesses from seeing a customer's number in the form of advertisements, as the new feature is aimed at active users and users on the instant messaging application. To be provided. Option to reveal their phone number, manually when talking to a specific company that doesn't already have a phone number.

And the WhatsApp application indicated that users would have the ability to see if the business in question has access to their phone number within the information about the company.

The new feature is available in the beta version of WhatsApp beta with version number, and it is likely that the feature will remain under development during the coming period, until it is provided in the stable version of the application.

It is worth noting that the WhatsApp application is working on a new tool called WhatsApp Survey, which can be used to securely collect feedback on new features and products, so that during the coming period Misunderstandings can be avoided, in the presence of a new survey, and the application will clarify the purpose.

The instant chat application gave maximum freedom to the users when deciding whether to accept the invitation, give their opinion or reject the proposal, so as to maintain the freedom of the users and not disturb them.

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