Facebook Announces Oculus Link and Confirms the Control of Reality Glasses Future with two Hands only

Facebook Announces Oculus Link and Confirms the Control of Reality Glasses Future with two Hands only

At its annual conference on Reality Technologies and Devices, Facebook announced the Oculus Link feature that allows Quest glasses users to connect via USB-C ports with gaming PCs to enjoy a different experience when playing Rift PC that needs real-world support. It will also provide access to the Rift PC library, thus converting the Quest glasses to Rift with ease.

This step provides a great addition to the users of the glasses, as it is priced at $ 400 will provide the experience of enjoying use in several purposes.

Usually, VR devices are intended to work alone or across other devices, but with this update the glasses will work in all forms.

Mark Zuckerberg, CEO and founder of Facebook, said the glasses will work with most USB-C cables and will be available from November.

On the same side, the founder of Facebook, that the reality glasses developed by his company will allow users to control them by the movement of hands only and without the need for any connected devices, and this confirms to the conversations that appeared yesterday and discussed the possibility of taking the company a similar step after the acquisition of the company Neural Technology CTRL-labs .

Source: Facebook Youtube

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